Top 5 Global Marketing Trends and How to Tackle Them on Social Media

Top 5 Global Marketing Trends and How to Tackle Them on Social Media


In the context of the digital age and multicultural integration, maintaining keen insight and keeping up with market trends are key factors for businesses to surpass competition and achieve their global vision. We have summarised the top five global marketing trends and social media marketing strategies.

1. Active Competition Among New Social Apps

Platform Updates:

On April 17, TikTok launched the Notes Photo app in Australia and Canada.

On April 21, the voice social app Airchat opened registration for users in Europe and the US.

On April 25, Threads reached 150 million monthly active users.

Recently, the voice social app Airchat has become very popular in Europe and the US, with its unique mode of only allowing voice messages garnering a lot of attention. Threads, with its unique charm, has seen its monthly active users soar to 150 million. Both apps demonstrate the strong competitive power and expansion trend of new social apps globally.

Marketing Advice: Faced with fierce competition in the new social app domain, brands should respond quickly and adjust strategies flexibly. On one hand, they should keep up with trends and explore the market potential on emerging platforms with lightweight trials, ensuring low-cost, high-efficiency market exploration. On the other hand, they should actively review successful cases and integrate successful elements into their existing marketing systems to achieve cross-platform synergy. Additionally, brands should continuously strengthen their youthful, innovative, and tech-savvy brand image to attract and retain young users seeking new experiences.

2. Diverse Interaction Formats

Platform Updates:

On May 1, WhatsApp added activity features to communities to boost participation.

On May 14, Reddit added new options for users to create AMA content directly.

On May 14, Instagram tested adding Notes to Feed posts and Reels.

These platform updates collectively reveal that social media is moving towards richer, more diverse interaction formats to meet users’ growing social needs and entertainment expectations. By constantly innovating interaction methods, platforms aim to create a more immersive social experience for users.

Marketing Advice: In response to the new trend of diverse interaction formats on social media platforms, brands targeting international markets should actively adjust their marketing strategies. For example, they can use WhatsApp’s activity feature to plan online events like Q&As and giveaways, encouraging user participation and enhancing brand exposure and user engagement. For Reddit’s AMA feature, inviting industry experts to interact can enhance user trust and promote brand values. For Instagram’s Notes feature, brands should creatively use it to add interesting, guiding Notes to encourage likes, comments, and shares, increasing user engagement and deepening brand recognition.

3. Continued Growth of Short Videos

Platform Updates:

On April 3, Facebook launched an upgraded vertical video display and recommendation algorithm.

On June 27, YouTube tested the picture-in-picture viewing function for Shorts.

With the continued global popularity of short videos, major social platforms are enhancing their focus on short video content. This ongoing evolution of short video content on social media platforms not only demonstrates the platforms’ emphasis on this area but also indicates that the short video industry will maintain strong growth in the future. As technology advances and user needs diversify, short videos will become a crucial bridge connecting brands with consumers.

Marketing Advice: For brands targeting international markets, the continued growth of short videos offers significant marketing opportunities. Firstly, brands should keep up with platform trends and use Facebook’s upgraded vertical video display and recommendation algorithm to optimise short video content, ensuring it stands out in users’ feeds. By accurately targeting the audience and combining creative content with high-quality visuals, brands can increase video viewership and conversion rates. Additionally, YouTube’s picture-in-picture feature for Shorts provides more opportunities for interaction and user retention. Brands can create engaging short video content that attracts users even while they watch other videos. Furthermore, brands should leverage the community interaction features of Shorts to encourage comments, likes, and shares, expanding their brand influence.

4. Rising Popularity of AI Avatars

Platform Updates:

On June 17, TikTok will allow businesses to create their own virtual characters.

On June 27, Meta will help influencers create their own AI avatars.

As technology advances and user needs diversify, AI avatars are poised to bring new marketing and interaction experiences to brands and individuals. By leveraging this emerging technology, brands and individuals can expand their online influence and establish closer and more engaging connections with their audience.

Marketing Advice: In response to the rising popularity of AI avatars, brands targeting international markets should actively consider incorporating them into their marketing strategies. For example, brands can use TikTok’s new feature allowing businesses to create virtual characters to develop unique brand AI avatars. Through engaging and interactive communication with users, brands can enhance their online image and recognition, further attracting and retaining their target audience.

5. New Advertising Formats and Promotion Opportunities

Platform Updates:

On April 24, Reddit added dynamic product ads to help brands attract consumers during the discovery phase.

On June 17, Reddit launched updated conversational ads.

Marketing Advice: This quarter marks the second quarter since Reddit’s formal IPO, so Reddit has focused its platform updates on enriching and iterating ad formats to better support brands in their marketing activities.

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