

International Marketing Expertise from Bagel Marketing

At Bagel Marketing, we understand that consumer habits and motives differ significantly across various countries. Our extensive experience in these unique markets allows us to guide your business to success internationally, with a particular focus on China, Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Selling in China: Expertise from Bagel Marketing

At Bagel Marketing, we understand that Chinese consumer habits and motives differ significantly from those in Western societies. Our extensive experience in this unique market allows us to guide your business to success in China.

Connect and Engage with Asian Social Media Platforms

Navigating China’s Diverse Market

China is a culturally diverse country with a vast population, resulting in various consumer groups with distinct motivations and behaviors. For Australian and New Zealand brands, this presents an opportunity, as even a segment of this large market can support multiple brands successfully.

Choose the Right Market

Identify the Right Segment within that Market

Implement the Right Operational Methods

Navigating Diverse Markets

Japan and South Korea

Japanese and South Korean consumers value quality, innovation, and brand reputation. Tailoring your marketing strategy to emphasize these aspects can help your brand stand out in these competitive markets.

Offshore Marketing Solutions in India
Offshore Marketing Solutions in India


India’s rapidly growing market is diverse and dynamic. Successful marketing strategies here often involve leveraging local languages and cultural nuances to connect with a broad consumer base.

Offshore Marketing Solutions in Vietnam
Offshore Marketing Solutions in Vietnam


Vietnam is an emerging market with increasing consumer spending power. Effective marketing strategies should focus on digital engagement and mobile-friendly campaigns to reach tech-savvy consumers.

Offshore Marketing Solutions in Singapore and Malaysia
Offshore Marketing Solutions in Singapore and Malaysia

Singapore and Malaysia

Singapore and Malaysia are key markets in Southeast Asia, known for their multicultural populations. Marketing strategies should be versatile, catering to diverse cultural preferences and leveraging the high digital connectivity in these regions.